
‘To love and to cherish’
A wedding is one of life’s great moments – a time of solemn commitment, good wishes, feasting and joy. Weddings at Christ Church seek to capture this sense of solemnity and celebration.
First Things
There are many things to be done now that you have decided to be married. First, contact the Parish Office to check the availability of the date you have chosen. The second step is to meet with the Vicar, usually 6 to 12 months before the wedding, to plan the ceremony and confirm your arrangements.
The Order of Service
The wedding service is selected from one of the prayer books of the Anglican Church. One of the exciting aspects of preparing for a wedding is planning to make the service your own. Christ Church has a wealth of resources and experience to help you realise your dreams for the day.
Wedding Music
Wonderful music makes a wedding special. Christ Church has a stunning choir, a beautiful organ and a fine musical tradition. Our choir sings to the highest standards and we can also arrange vocalists and instrumentalists to add to the occasion. In some settings, recorded music may be used during the service, in consultation with the Vicar.
Legal Requirements
There are several forms to complete and the Celebrant will guide you through this process. You will need to establish your age and identity by producing a full birth certificate or passport and give legal notice of your intended marriage at least one month and one day before the ceremony. Christ Church will help prepare the relevant documentation, including your wedding certificate.
Wedding Questions
What Fees Are Involved?
The standard fee for a wedding at Christ Church is $3050. This includes fees for the Celebrant and organist and Verger, 1 vase of flowers, document preparation and use of the building, Additional fees apply for service booklets, the choir and musical rehearsals, if required. A non-refundable deposit of $700 is payable in advance to secure the booking. The balance of $2350 is payable to two weeks prior to the ceremony taking place.
Do We Need to Attend a Marriage Preparation program?
All couples are encouraged to undertake a marriage preparation course. Christ Church will provide information on local programs. Participation is not mandatory.
Can I be Married at Christ Church if I am Divorced?
Christ Church welcomes everyone and happily remarries those who have been divorced.
Marriage Blessings and Re-affirmation of Vows
Christ Church offers a number of options for couples wanting to celebrate or strengthen and renew their commitment to one another, including Services of Prayer and Dedication after Civil Marriage. Please contact the Vicar for further information.
Same-Sex Couples
Same sex couples will receive a warm welcome and affirmation at Christ Church. Our clergy are happy to offer support and guidance to all who wish to live in a loving, faithful, and committed relationship, whatever their gender. At present, we are not permitted by Australian law to marry people of the same sex or gender.
Civil Partnerships
Couples entering a Civil Partnership are welcome to attend any service at Christ Church, with friends and family, to hear the scriptures, pray, and, where appropriate, receive Communion.
Photography During the Service
So as to ensure the dignity of the occasion, photographers are instructed not to distract the bridal party or obscure the view of family and friends. Videos are permitted at a discreet distance and without additional lighting. Christ Church has worked with many photographers and is pleased to recommend those it knows provide excellent results at a reasonable price.
Flowers and Ribbons
The Church has flowers present each week, wonderfully arranged by members of the Sanctuary Guild, except in Lent and Advent. Additional flowers can be arranged or organised by you, in consultation with the celebrant. Ribbons can be provided for the end of the pew ends, or you may like to provide your own.
Can Someone From Outside Christ Church Conduct the Wedding?
The Vicar of Parish normally officiates at weddings. Clergy from other churches or of other traditions are welcome to assist, although the Celebrant must be an Anglican Priest.
Confetti and Rice
Confetti is not permitted in the church building or on the front steps. Rose petals are fine outside the church. Rice can be hazardous!
The Parish House is located directly adjacent to the Church and is a convenient venue that can be hired for refreshments or small functions after your wedding. Further details on hiring the Parish House can be obtained from the Parish Office.
Government Requirements
All weddings have to comply with the regulations in the Commonwealth Marriage Act. There are forms to be filled out and preparations made. The Celebrant for your wedding will guide you through the preparation of the relevant documentation.
Church Requirements
Marriage in the Anglican Church requires that at least one partner be baptised. Christ Church is happy to advise individuals and couples on preparation for baptism, where this is desired.