
Let me hear the Voice above the waters whispering ‘Beloved’
All faiths mark new followers joining their community with some event or ceremony.
Baptism marks entry into the Christian community – yet it is only a beginning. Baptism initiates a lifelong journey of searching and questioning, contending with evil and injustice, giving love and showing mercy, and discovering with joy the unfolding mysteries of God.
The ceremony of baptism comprises a simple washing in water, practised by Christians since the time of Jesus. It is a sign of turning to God, and of faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Those who ask for baptism recognise that their life journey is forever tied to Jesus’ own death and resurrection. It is a wonderful and important moment not only for the individual, but also for the whole Christian Community.
What to do I do next?
Generally at least six weeks notice is required for baptism, except in emergencies. Please contact the Parish Office to discuss potential dates and preparation, or for any other questions.
Why bring our children for baptism?
Parents make many decisions for their children while they are young, without their consent or understanding. We give food and medicine because we want them to be healthy. We make decisions about their schooling in the hope they will value education and grow in wisdom and understanding. Children cannot decide for themselves what language to speak, until they know enough language to be able to make up their own minds. As such, we hold our children’s hopes and dreams in trust for a time, until they can make decisions of their own.
We bring children for baptism with the same understanding, believing they can enter into the mystery of a relationship with God long before conscious commitments are possible. Baptising children is an expression of our hope that the full blessings of God will be active in their lives as they grow and mature. It signifies our desire that each child will develop spiritually, as well as physically, in the way of Jesus and his Church. It is this life we wish for our children.
For a child to grow up believing they are wanted and loved by God from the moment of their birth is one of the most wonderful gifts we can give our children.
Please contact the parish to discuss potential dates and preparation for baptism.
Adult Baptism
The preparation of adults for baptism is a more involved process. With children, faithful sponsors will spend many years nurturing their godchildren in the Christian faith. Adults will need to consider their own following of Jesus and their relationship with the Church, and develop a basic understanding of scripture and theology, prayer and reflection. Traditionally, adults begin preparation for baptism during the season of Lent, in anticipation of baptism on Easter day, though there are many times throughout the year when baptisms may take place.
Please contact the parish to discuss potential dates and preparation for baptism.
Baptism Questions
Sponsors or Godparents
Sponsors, or godparents as they have been known, accept a particular responsibility for helping children to journey in faith and enter the life of the church. In the case of young children, this may take many years. Godparents, therefore, should be chosen with great care. They do not need to be Anglicans but must be baptised themselves and ought be worshipping members of a Christian congregation.
When do Baptisms take place?
Baptism involves the whole Christian community and baptisms are usually celebrated at the main Sunday Eucharist at 10.00am. Alternative arrangements may be possible in exceptional circumstances, after discussion with the Vicar. Baptisms are scheduled to coincide with various major church festivals, when the themes of baptism are especially pertinent or highlighted. Outside these times, baptism generally occur on the last Sunday of each month.
Preparation for Baptism
Baptism is a significant step in life, either for ourselves or our children, and preparing well is important. Parents planning for a baptism are encouraged to meet with the Vicar to reflect on the themes and symbols of baptism and the promises they will make. Godparents also need to know what they are committing to, so they can exercise their role effectively, and it is desirable that they too participate in these discussions.
What to do I do next?
Generally at least six weeks notice is required for baptism, except in emergencies. Please contact the Vicar to discuss potential dates and preparation.
Parish Office
Opening hours – 10.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday
PO Box 8
South Yarra VIC 3141
Telephone +613 9866 4434