Music is at the
heart of our life…

Our Choral Tradition
Christ Church has a long and distinguished musical history, with a choral tradition that stretches back to the mid-nineteenth century. The expectation of high quality music is deeply held in the parish, and the choir work tirelessly to achieve the high standards expected of those leading worship in the church.
These standards, however, are increasingly difficult to maintain. Choral music is disappearing from many Anglican churches, as few are now able to muster the necessary volunteer singers to confidently present the breadth of music once sung in our churches.
Choral Scholarships
The Choral Scholars program provides a stable base to the parish choir, ensuring there are always sufficient singers available to present a high standard of music.
There are at least five good reasons to support the Choral Scholars program.
- Having renowned young singers in our choir raises the standard of excellence we seek in our worship of God.
- Exposing the existing choir to a wider community of singers fosters their own talents and inspires greater possibilities.
- Talented young singers will be exposed to the glories of Anglican choral music and share in the privilege of performing in a beautiful setting.
- The next generation of parishioners at Christ Church will encounter a lively musical tradition and receive an experience of Anglican worship that can last for a lifetime.
- Support for a Choral Scholar will help ensure that our church will continue to be filled with glorious music.
In return, the Choir will continue to gift the congregation with an inspirational experience of sacred music that stretches back over 500 years of Christian worship, contributing immeasurably to the devotional and sacred atmosphere of our beautiful church.
How to Give
By donating to the Choral Scholars program, you will help continue the wonderful musical tradition at Christ Church. By maintaining weekly services of choral and classical masterpieces, we keep a rich aspect of Anglican tradition and English cultural heritage alive.
You can support the Choral Scholars program by donating online.
Or by sending your gift directly to the Parish Office at the address below. Donations of $2 and more are tax-deductible via the Christ Church Music Foundation. Please contact the office for further details.
Please give generously so the choir can continue to inspire the beauty of holiness in our worship at Christ Church.
Thank you for your generosity!
For further information please contact the Parish Office at:
Christ Church Anglican Parish
PO Box 8
South Yarra VIC 3141
Telephone +613 9866 4434