The Christ Church Pipe Organ


Three manuals of 58-notes, 32-note pedal, 40 stops, 7 couplers, 2,412 pipes.

SWELL (enclosed)

Open Diapason 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Salicional 8

Voix Celeste 8

Principal 4

Harmonic Flute 4

Fifteenth 2

Sesquialtera III

Sharp Mixture III

Double Trumpet 16

Horn 8

Oboe 8


Bourdon 16

Open Diapason 8

Violin Diapason 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Principal 4

Wald Flute 4

Quintflute 2

Fifteenth 2

Open Flute 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Mixture IIl-IV

Trumpet 8

Swell to Great

Choir to Great


Stopped Diapason 8

Dulciana 8

Principal 4

Chimney Flute 4

Twelfth 2 2/3

Flautina 2

Clarionet 8

Swell to Choir


Tromba 8

Tromba octave


Open Diapason 16

Subbass 16

Quint 10 2/3

Octave 8

Bass Flute 8

Nazard 5 1/3

Fifteenth 4

Trombone 16

Swell to Pedal

Great to Pedal

Choir to Pedal

  • Tremulants to Swell and Great

  • Balanced expression pedal

  • Adjustable bench

  • Tracker key action to manuals

  • Electro-pneumatic action to pedals

  • Electric stop action

  • 6 departmental pistons to each of Swell, Great, Choir and Pedal, with 16 memory levels

  • 8 general pistons with 96 memory levels