Pledging and Giving

Partnership in our Mission at Christ Church
At Christ Church, we know that financial stewardship is an important component of a balanced spiritual life.
Our giving should be sacrificial and a sign of our care for others and the poor.
It ought express our recognition that all good things come from God, belong to him, and that we hold his creation and its wealth in trust.
And it should express, in an adequate sense, our acceptance that we who are the Body of Christ in this place share a mutual responsibility to support local ministry.
Our Parish Partnership Program
Giving generously, and proportionally, in relation to our income is an expression of our Christian identity. Christian giving is part of Christian living and Christian living ought give expression to our offering of ourselves wholly to God.
Our giving is an opportunity to practice gratitude and generosity, contentment and trust, love of God and care for others. As such, giving generously is a privilege and a joy. Christ Church depends on your generosity!
What is a Pledge?
A pledge is an estimate of giving; it a statement of intent. Your pledge amount may be changed, increased or decreased during the year, at any time as your financial circumstances change.
Why Pledge?
When you plan ahead for your giving, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways consistent with your faith and values. While plate offerings are important, your pledge allows the Parish Council to do for our church community what you do for your household: to plan wisely for the use of the resources we have in pursuit of the mission and ministry to which God has called us.
How Do I Make My Pledge?
You can make a pledge at any time by downloading and completing the card below. Cards are also available at the rear of the church. You may pay weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly – via cash, cheque, credit card, or electronic fund transfer (EFT). The Parish Council encourages giving directly from your bank account, or we can debit your credit card payment on a regular basis via the Anglican Development Fund (ADF). Giving envelopes or donation slips for use each Sunday can still be provided if desired.
How Much Should I Pledge?
Determining the amount of your annual pledge is between you and God. We encourage proportional giving – giving a set percentage of your income as your pledge. Defining percentages for generosity and proportionality is a tricky business. For some a tithe of 10% is a sacrificial and generous act. For those who are seriously well-off, giving 10% might require very little sacrifice, nor be very generous. We ask that you prayerfully consider what level of giving is right for you and your family.
What is a Tithe?
Commonly understood, a tithe is 10% of your income, though it may be more or less. We recognise that many persons choose to divide their tithe among the church and other worthy organisations. A tithe may sound like an unattainable goal to begin with, but if you start with a certain proportion of your income and increase the percentage each year, you will be tithing in a short time. You could start with 5%. Another option is 2½%, which is equivalent to pledging the first hour’s pay of a 40-hour work-week.
What if I Make Pledge but Later Can’t Pay It?
Parishioners can raise and lower their pledge at any time. A pledge is an estimate to help church budgeting; it is not a legal or moral obligation. Please don’t let your uncertainty prevent you from making a pledge. If you have financial difficulties or other unexpected events, simply notify the Parish Recorder.
The privacy of your gift is a priority for us. Only the Parish Recorder knows the details of your pledge and any computer records keep separate the details of those who give from the amount given. Parish staff have no knowledge of the details of your pledge.
Your Pledge Matters
Where you start, whether you give a proportion of your annual or gross income, whether you tithe, is not nearly as important as simply making your first pledge. Every pledge makes a difference, regardless of the amount.
If you have questions about financial stewardship or tithing, the Parish Recorder will be happy to talk with you. Please call the Parish Office for further information:
Telephone: 03 9866 4434 Email: